Tuesday, October 9, 2007

How to Get Rid of Stress with a Home Bath Spa

Do You need to Relax and Unwind? Get a Spa Experience in the Comfort and Privacy of Your Own Home Right Down to the Relaxing Sights and Sounds of an Indoor Fountain.

It isn’t difficult to become over taken by the busyness of life. We live in a very fast paced world and it can be difficult to take a step back, take a deep breath and not get swept up in the chaos around us. It is no wonder that the spa industry has boomed in recent years. The spa has been a place of refuge for many to escape the busyness and demands of life and find some solace for both mind and body.
With the limitations of life it is not always practical or feasible to run off to the spa when you need a mini retreat for yourself. That is why it is important to bring the spa experience into your home so you can have the control and accessibility to the break you desperately need and deserve.
If you have access to a bathtub, then you have all it really takes to create your own mini oasis. If you want an optimal relaxation experience it is important to create an atmosphere and ambiance that promotes relaxation and rejuvenation. To reach this objective it is important to try to appeal to and connect with each of your five senses.
Before you even begin setting up the physical props and environment it is important that you enter into your home spa experience with the frame of mind that can relax and enjoy the experience. A key component to this is to make sure you plan your home spa experience in advance. Write it in your day timer as you would if you were going to the spa or to any other appointment. Schedule time in your schedule for you, and stick to it. You should set aside a minimum of one hour, but preferably more. Plan ahead and have your supplies ready so you are not in a mad rush and you can have a relaxing experience.
A critical piece of preparation is to make sure that you have the place to yourself or, at minimum, that the place is quiet. Not many luxury spas are within earshot of a day care or noisy night club. If you have young children make sure you have child care arranged so they will not barge into your personal time. Likewise make sure you will also not be interrupted by noisy roommates or people in your home. The stress seems to melt away when you enter a spa because of the atmosphere that is created. Don’t minimize the effectiveness of the experience because of excess noise and activity within your home or apartment. If you have a friend or roommate that is open to helping set it up for you so you can just walk into the scene and enjoy, all the better. Regardless of who sets up the room, be advised to prepare it in such a way that when you enter for the self treatment it mirrors the experience you would have as though you are entering a professional spa.
Fill the tub with tolerably hot water before your grand entrance. Use natural sea salts, essential oils or any other bath products that you enjoy. Light the room with the natural light of candles, including the edge of the tub. Tea lights are perfect as they are small and fit the application perfectly. Fluff up several towels in the dryer and have them warm and ready. This should be done minutes before you enter the bathroom sot o make sure they are easily assessable to you when you are in the tub. Fresh cut fruit adds a fresh scent as well as has a cooling effect in your mouth as you relax in the steamy water. Strawberries, grapes or melons are a good choice, choose a fruit that you enjoy and don’t readily treat yourself to. Some would prefer to enjoy a good glass of wine in this environment while others may prefer a cool glass of water. Again, because you are the designer and creator of this spa you have the control to do what you wish. If you choose a cool glass of water I would suggest adding a couple of fresh slices of cucumber to the water approximately one hour earlier to add an additional cool fresh flavor to the water.
The sense of smell is also very powerful in the relaxation process so use products with scents that you enjoy and associate with peace and relaxation. Aromatherapy is becoming more popular and is supported by science. Some people enjoy incense while others prefer fruity fragrances in different bathing products. Use what you find most personally appealing. Fresh flowers are also very fragrant and can add a nice touch. Some even prefer to add the petals to the water before entering the tub.
As I mentioned earlier it is important to make sure that you are not distracted by the outside world. One of the distractions can be through outside noise. It is a good idea to add some noise filters, not only to mask some uncontrollable background noises, but also to help you enter into a place of rest. Choose some soothing background music that will not overtake the room, but rather help create that spa feel.
Another powerful prop that can be used to help you unwind and relax is a table top fountain. The soothing sounds of running water are powerful. Most luxury spas have incorporated a waterfall or indoor fountain to some degree into their spa experience. There is an unmistakable ambiance that is created with cascading or trickling water that helps melt away anxiety and stress. Indoor table top fountains are the prefect prop to gain this effect. A small fountain situated within your home spa will help give you the same experience. Along with the healing power of the gentle sights and sounds of the moving water it can also be a great tool to gently mask background noise. An added bonus to incorporating a fountain is that you can use it in your living spaces after your treatment is complete, however some prefer only to bring it out during their mini personal retreats. Once again the decision is yours based on your personal preference.
The success of the experience is truly based on you and your creativity. You know yourself best, so set up the experience in such a way that will cater to your likes and preferences. Some would complete the experience with a good book while other would prefer to treat themselves to a magazine they seldom have the opportunity to enjoy. You may even prefer to revel in the solitude, close your eyes and let the worries of life drift away. You may want to plan a visit to your personal spa after a peaceful yoga session. Regardless of your personal preferences, it is important to take time to treat yourself. You deserve it. I want to encourage you to not only plan this as a one time event. Schedule it into your weekly or monthly planner and you will be amazed at what it can do for your mind, soul and body. When you have the chance definitely indulge yourself in the full spa treatment, but when you can’t, don’t cheat yourself; treat yourself to that same love and care at home.

Copyright © 2007, Sugar Seed Round é Clock (砂糖は休みなく播く) is a property of Sugar Seed Closet (幸せな種の戸棚)